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IMNA Bock Party

On May 22, 2022, the Inner Mission Neighborhood Association organized a Block Party hosted by Lucy and Jon Junus on Shotweel Street.  We had a robust attendance and the party was attended by neighbors as far away as 16th Street. Pat Connolly and Craig Weber worked tirelessly cooking and serving hotdogs and hamburgers. Jane Perry and Lucy Junus volunteered to write out name tags for the guests.  Lucy organized the food and beverages which were generously donated by Eric Liittschwager at our local Mission Grocery Outlet. Ray, from Ray's Market, donated his superb humus.

Most importantly, neighbors turned out on this beautiful afternoon to celebrate friendship and community.


Inner Mission Neighborhood Association Block Party




Lucy and Jon Junus for letting us use their driveway and supplying table and chairs, warmers, and flowers.


Thank you to the Steering Committe  (Jane Perry, Anne Burke, Francesca Pastine, and  Lucy Junus) for organizing the party.


Thank you Eric Liittschwager for donating  burgers, hotdogs, buns, condiments, chips, and drinks.

Thank you to the SFPD for joining the party.

Thanks to all our neighbors for celebrating our community together.


Thanks to Ray, at Ray''s Market, for donating his renown humus.

Thans to Craig Weber and Pat Connolly for grilling delicious hamburgers and hotdogs.

Jane Perry gave out name-tags (above)

Below (left) Connie Weber, founding member of the IMNA, enjoyed the party.

We were happy the SFPD came to clelebrate with us (below (right)

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